Journal filter by All Roads Production Partner

Q&A with Marasim India

Q&A with Marasim India

How many people are involved in the entire production process of our towels?

Around 40

Are the kitchen towels woven in a central workshop or various weaver’s homes?

Our production combines the central workshop and weaver's home loom units. For towels, we use both types of production.

In the Workshop With Windmill City Screenprinters

In the Workshop With Windmill City Screenprinters

It seems like you create merch for almost all of the business up in the high and low deserts, even huge festivals like Desert X.  Do you have any dream clients?
Ultimate local dreams would be to create the merch for the festivals at the Indio Polo Grounds held in April. We may currently be in the process of  inching towards that goal :) In another reality, Glen’s dream would be to print for Slayer. I’d like to be more connected to local art foundations/ (Looking at you—HDTS, Palm Springs Art Museum, and others!).
embroidered hats stacked on a chainstitch embroidery machine

In the Studio With Jason Steady, Chainstitcher

What is the best thing about living in the desert?

Solitude. I no longer have to drive my van for hours (which I do love) to a secluded spot, now I just live in the secluded spot. It’s beautiful and quiet, and the sunsets never get old.

What is the worst thing about living in the desert?